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Kwanzaa cards

Kwanzaa cards

Wish your loved ones a joyous Kwanzaa feast and celebration with meaningful online Kwanzaa cards. Spread blessings via email, text, or link, and track opens instantly.

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Habari Gani! Wish loved ones a Happy Kwanzaa with Kwanzaa greeting cards with thematics including candles, food, feasting, and cups. Celebrate Kwanzaa, an African-American holiday celebrated from December 26th to January 1st, by sending an online Kwanzaa card. Dating back to 1966 as a way to celebrate African-American culture, particularly in light of the civil rights movement. Each of the 7 nights of Kwanzaa corresponds with one of seven principles.

Kwanzaa card templates include 7 symbols: karamu (a feast on the 6th night, includes ceremony and art or music presentations), mkeka (a mat where all the items are placed), mazao (crops such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, representing the fullness of harvest), vibunzi (a corn ear representing fertility), candles, kinara (or the candle holder), the unity cup, or Kikombe Cha Umoja (which is part of the Karamu), and Zawadi, or gifts (which are not a big focus, as part of the founder’s intentions that Kwanzaa not become overly commercial). Colors are referential of the Pan-African flag, including red, black, and green.